Martine Thomas-Bourgneuf, an independent museographer, was involved in earlier exhibitions by archaeologist Franck Goddio at the Villette in 1995 (The “San Diego”), and in the Paris Grand Palais in 2006, (“Egypt’s Sunken Treasures”). She is now working on the exhibition “Osiris, Egypt’s Sunken Mysteries”.
Sylvain Roca and Nicolas Groult, designers and interior architects by training, work with the creators of the graphics agency Dépli Design Studio (Aurélie Gasche, Vadim Bernard, and Benjamin Gomez) and the lighting specialist Gérald Karlikow, creator of the Gelatic company: inspired by the world, the collections and the content of the exhibition imagined by Franck Goddio and Martine Thomas-Bourgneuf, they combine their expertise and lend their creativity to the service of this particularly stimulating project.